Press Release
Is Your Homeowners Insurance Company Healthy?
Catastrophe Stress Test Offers Evidence of Strength for Florida’s Property Insurance Companies.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Contact Info:
(954) 382-5244
Barry Knight, Owner, Broker, Agent
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Catastrophe Stress Test has been completed. The test is for the purpose of reviewing reinsurance amount and coverage, capital & Florida-based property insurance companies’ surplus. Three years in a row, Florida Catastrophe Stress test instills confidence the Florida property insurance market can withstand catastrophic losses.
Utilizing a more accurate testing process, along with transparency through the publishing of their public report, insurance agencies and Florida consumers have greater insight as to the health of the companies providing their homeowners coverage.
Catastrophe Stress Test Report is available now.